Zs Smart Check IN – Our Works https://work.zerosnap.store Intellilabs Works Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:28:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://work.zerosnap.store/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-as-logo-1-32x32.png Zs Smart Check IN – Our Works https://work.zerosnap.store 32 32 Happy Onam https://work.zerosnap.store/2019/08/20/how-to-make-your-ios-13-compatible/ https://work.zerosnap.store/2019/08/20/how-to-make-your-ios-13-compatible/#respond Tue, 20 Aug 2019 08:07:19 +0000 http://wpdemo.archiwp.com/onum/?p=12 When a guest comes in at the resort, the receptionist scans the ID cards using an ID scanner device after capturing the details, logs in to ZeroSnap application in the desktop system and proceeds to check IN the guest(s). Once the guest checks IN, the receptionist then proceeds to send the details to FRRO (government website for uploading details of foreign guests who have come to visit in India) with the click of a button and the complete process just takes around a minute. ZeroSnap ensures maximum data accuracy and quickness. Custom reports are provided.

An extremely intelligent application for the capture of guest ID cards and quicker check IN to the PMS as well as FRRO..

Prince Thomas, IT Head

CGH Group of Hotels, Cochin, India

Know More : https://zerosnap.in/

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The Future of eCommerce & Augmented Reality – Role of WordPress https://work.zerosnap.store/2017/04/11/the-future-of-ecommerce-business/ https://work.zerosnap.store/2017/04/11/the-future-of-ecommerce-business/#respond Tue, 11 Apr 2017 08:04:07 +0000 http://wpdemo.archiwp.com/onum/?p=10 The notion of augmented reality is not new.  This is one of the most popular trends that hit the web design niche in 2018 and continues to grow at the fast rate. Augmented reality is being included in different spheres of our life, making it easier to make the right decisions, have fun, and simply do the right planning. What about web design? What if your online business project could provide the user with the possibility to view different objects in 3D? I bet this will make your site more engaging and boost the conversion rates tremendously.

Augmented Reality helps the perfect items fit in your life.

So, if you are extremely excited to launch your own site with the augmented reality functionality, it is high time for you to learn how to do it. Without a doubt, building the eCommerce project with the integration of Augmented reality will provide your business with the leverage your competitors still do not have and are dreaming of. Let’s get to work together and find out how to add the Augmented reality functionality to your own WordPress sites. So, here comes the step-by-step guide.

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