iBIZ Ecommerce Solutions – Our Works https://work.zerosnap.store Intellilabs Works Fri, 22 Oct 2021 10:01:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://work.zerosnap.store/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-as-logo-1-32x32.png iBIZ Ecommerce Solutions – Our Works https://work.zerosnap.store 32 32 Zambia’s largest online books and stationary products – Bookworld https://work.zerosnap.store/2021/09/21/you-have-a-great-business-idea-2/ https://work.zerosnap.store/2021/09/21/you-have-a-great-business-idea-2/#respond Tue, 21 Sep 2021 04:46:03 +0000 http://wpdemo.archiwp.com/onum/?p=1259 Happy to inform that we have successfully joined hands with Zambia’s largest online books and stationary products provider Bookworld in implementing an ecommerce application for easy purchase of eBooks, hardcover books, stationary products etc. online.

Nirmal EK

CEO @ IntelliLABS Techno Solutions Pvt.Ltd

Whether you’re buying in a store or buying online, everything you do is geared around a transaction: the basic exchange of money for goods or services. E-commerce is about combining three different systems: a Web server that can manage an online storefront and process transactions, a database system that can keep a check of the items the store has in stock, and a dispatch system linked to a warehouse where the goods can be instantly located and sent to the buyer as quickly as possible.Ibiz provides all these details in a simple & efficient manner. With the help of a web front end and an app, orders can be placed easily. Admin can track all the orders and process them effectively through the backend. Has an additional feature for picking orders directly from store or nearby drop location after placing orders, an efficient ebook store wherein users need to download an ebook reader and read through all the books purchased online, multi filter options etc.

Website URL : https://www.bookworldzambia.com/

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